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Osterman\'s Boarding House later became Hotel Nooksack owned by William Swanson. Now the site of Vavra Auto Body.
Looking South on Nooksack Ave. Buildings from right to left: Bayes Blacksmith Shop, Bayes Hardware and Groceries (later became June Smith\'s Hardware and Harness), Post Office, Charles Bicycle Shop, location of former Hotel Nooksack, Gillies and Seaberg.
Mather Building, built in 1910 by S.G. Mather, it was dismantled 1979. In lower right are S.G. Mather and his daughter, Alice Mather Coghill.
Miller, Reed and Pease Creamery on Jackson St. behind Germain & Sons.
In 1905 this school was built in Nooksack. It was dismantled in 1949.